BYOD & Cyber Safety

Here are some suggested specifications for devices:

  • A laptop (or equivalent hybrid). Chromebook is less preferable.
  • At least 12” (30 cm) screen size
  • Wireless Connectivity using 802.11n (or higher)
  • 8-10 hour battery life from one charge (minimum)
  • Preferably light and robust
  • A protective carrying case
  • Most compatible: Windows 10 – this is the system the school network uses

  • Operating System

  • Other operating systems that have the appropriate wireless connectivity are supported, e.g. Mac OS v.10.10 or newer and Android.

At Albany Junior High School we use Google Apps for Education (GAFE). We have robust protection systems in place to ensure your children have access to appropriate materials.

Students’ devices might be a laptop, a Chromebook, or a tablet – any Internet-capable device with a keyboard that can assist learning. A mobile phone or gaming console is not an appropriate device to be used as a learning tool.

We strongly recommend you have up-to-date Antivirus Software installed. Some courses may require specific software such as design courses, which may require Adobe Photoshop. Higher specification machines may be required for Year 10 Digital Technology, Year 10 Digital Art, and Level 1-3 Design or Digital Technology classes, so consider the expected lifetime/usefulness of the device.

PB Tech is our preferred supplier for purchasing devices. Click below for some options.


Cyber Safety

AJHS works with online safety providers Linewize, who have created an online safety resource for families to be better supported throughout their and their students’ cyber journey. You will find excellent information regarding online safety, parental controls on app’s, gaming appropriateness, online bullying, and much more. Linewize Online Safety Resource