Report an Absence

  • If you are sick, or for any other reason cannot come to school, please make sure that your parent/caregiver contacts the school either by preferably logging into the parent portal here or filling in the ‘Absentees’ form below and submitting it. You can also phone the absences line on 415 5473 extension 646 (pressing 1), or email When you return to school you will need to have a written note explaining your absence. If you are away for 3 days or more, the school will require a doctor’s certificate.

  • If you feel sick while at school, or if you hurt yourself, please visit the Health Centre and the school nurse will assess you. If necessary she will contact your parents/caregivers.

  • If you have an appointment during the school day and have to leave school, or you miss a day as a result of the appointment, your parent/caregiver will need to let the school know in advance through a written note. They must also sign you in and out through the Student Reception in the main Admin building.

Extended leave disadvantages students

Holidays are considered ‘unapproved leave’ and actively discouraged. Therefore, please try to avoid taking students on holiday during term time. If this cannot be avoided, please submit a leave request in an email to the Principal at least one month in advance of your planned travel.


Please use this form to report your child’s absence.

Student Information