School Information

Daily Timings

Time Activity

8:40 am

School starts – Whanau Time

9:00 am

Period 1

10:00 am

Period 2

11:00 am

Morning Tea

11:25 am

Period 3

12:25 pm

Period 4

1:25 pm


2:15 pm

Period 5

3:15 pm



We have many fundraising opportunities throughout the year and our Fundraising contact is our Deputy Principal, Dawn Ross. We will publish events as and when they occur with all the required information.

Health Information

We are lucky enough to have a School Nurse at AJHS. If your child has a medical condition that the school needs to be aware of, or you just want to discuss a health issue, please contact the school nurse

If your child is unwell please keep them home until symptoms pass. This is especially important in the present Covid environment. We understand it is disruptive to be called to collect a child from school, however this is an important part of the process of keeping the community safe.

The School Nurse is able to dispense Paracetamol and Ibuprofen (for pain or fever) to your child if you have ticked the box on the Permission to Administer Medicine form, (in your online profile). If your child requires other medicine at schools such as Antihistamine, Epilepsy or Migraine medicine or Antibiotics, please bring a supply to the Health Clinic clearly labelled with their name, and bring a completed Permission to Administer Medication form and a copy of the prescription from the Doctor. If your child has been prescribed an Epipen, please ensure the School Nurse has a copy of the Action Plan, and that your child either carries the Epipen at all times or/and we have one in the Health Clinic. Your child needs to ensure all medications accompany them on all Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) outings. Please make sure medication has not expired.

If your child has Asthma please ensure they carry an inhaler at all times. If they require an Action Plan for their Asthma please supply the School Nurse with a copy. An inhaler MUST be taken on EOTC outings. If your child is an Insulin Dependant Diabetic, please give the school nurse a copy of the School Management Plan, a supply of testing strips, and a hypo kit to keep in the Health Clinic.

It is very important that parents and AJHS manage your child’s attendance together, therefore please make it clear to your child that they must see the school nurse if feeling unwell before they arrange to be collected. If the School Nurse contacts you to collect your child, please go to Student Desk in the Admin Block and sign them out. Students are not able to walk or bus home during school hours for safety reasons.


Year 7 and Y8 students are offered Boostrix and HPV vaccinations at school. These are administered by Waitemata District Health Board (DHB) and details will be sent home throughout the year before vaccinations take place.

Dental Health

For Y7 and Y8, dental services are provided by Albany Children’s Community Dental Clinic. The clinic is on-site and students attend during school hours. If your child has previously been under school dental services then they are already enrolled. If not, forms will be sent home. To contact them phone 415 2059.

Dental health for Y9 and Y10 is offered by Lumino Dental, which will be on-site in November. You will receive information closer to the date. You can contact them directly at 0800 LUMINO.

Vision Testing

Waitemata DHB offers vision testing to all Y7 students during school time in September.


Log into Mykindo to purchase uniform items and lunch orders.



Click here for information on cars and buses.

Tuck Shop

The school Tuck Shop is open every day at morning tea and lunchtimes. Cash and Eftpos are available. Please find the menu here.

Online orders can be made through Mykindo (link below), guaranteeing your child what they order. (Students need to pick up their lunch order from the Admin Block at student desk at lunchtime.) PLEASE NOTE, LUNCH ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 7.30PM THE DAY PRIOR.

Students who have not pre-ordered a lunch order will need to line up at the Tuck Shop.


Map of Grounds

Please see below or click here to open and download a map of the school grounds. 



  • School opens at 8:15am every morning during term time, Monday to Friday. Lessons start at 8:40am and school closes every day at 3.15pm.
  • The school terms can be found on the school website, along with public holidays and event information.
  • Make sure that you always have a pencil, pen, ruler and eraser with you every day. Your teacher will tell you what exercise books you need.
  • For the specialist classes – construction technology, food technology, fabric design technology and art – you need to wear your college style black leather shoes.
  • When your class has PE you will need your PE shirt and shorts.
  • To understand the stationery requirements please visit the schools Stationary webpage
  • If you are sick, or for any other reason cannot come to school, please make sure that your parent/caregiver contacts the school either by phoning Absences on 415 5473 extension 636 or report it online here or by emailing When you return to school you will need to have a written note from your parent/caregiver with the reason for your absence. If you are away for 3 days or more, the school will require a doctor’s certificate.
  • If you feel sick while at school or hurt yourself, visit the Health Centre in the Admin building and the school nurse will help you (and if necessary contact your parents/caregivers).
  • If you have an appointment during the school day and have to leave school, or you miss a day as a result of the appointment, your parent/caregiver will need to let the school know in advance through a written note. They must also sign you in and out through the Student Reception in the Admin building.
  • If any personal details change, your parent/caregiver must let the school know as soon as possible. This can be done by clicking here for a Change of Details Form (also available from Student Reception). Alternatively, please send an email or letter to the School Office. If changing addresses, the school will require a copy of a power bill within six weeks of the change of address.
  • If you have any changes to health information please email the School Nurse.
  • Morning interval is 11am – 11.25am. Lunchtime is 1.25pm – 2.15pm.
  • Students can either bring their own lunch, purchase food at the Tuck Shop (see menu here), or order food online through MyKindo
  • Albany Junior High School is a rubbish-free site. All plastic, paper, and food rubbish must be taken home each day. Students are advised to bring a plastic bag to school to put this rubbish in.

If you are teased or bullied at school, coming to school, or going home from school, you must tell one of these people:

  • Your Whanau Teacher
  • Your Whanau Leader
  • Homeroom Teacher (Year 7&8)
  • Any Classroom Teacher
  • School Counsellor
  • Your ESOL Teacher
  • The International Pastoral Carer
  • The Coordinator of International Students
  • The Senior Management Team

The school does not accept bullying and will do everything it can to prevent students from being bullied.

  • All students must sign a cyber safety agreement before they can use online technology at school.
  • For the safety and wellbeing of our students, many internet sites are blocked at school.
  • The internet may be used for classroom research under a teacher’s supervision.

For more information please visit our BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device) & Cyber Safety webpage. 

  • For our cellphone policy please visit our school policy website, enter the login details (User name is “AJHS” and Password is “empower“), and search for “cellphones”.
  • New and pre-owned school uniforms can be purchased from the school uniform shop located on the Ground Floor of the Administration building at the School. For information on opening days and times and other uniform-related queries please click here.
  • To visit the Fee’s, Subsidies & Donations webpage please click here.
  • If you have a query regarding school fees please contact Student Accounts on 415 5473 extension 662 or email
  • If you would like to make payments via internet banking, the school bank account details are 12-3107-0017930-00. Please include the student’s name and reason for payment.
  • For a list of all school staff members including their email addresses, click here.
  • Parents and caregivers can view information regarding their children via the school web portal. They must have a User Name and Password which is issued with each Report. If these have been misplaced then a replacement can be requested. Please email to request the User Name and Password.
  • For more information regarding AJHS complaint protocols, please access the Policies Website (user name “AJHS” and password “empower”) and search for “complaints”.